We All Scream for Ice Cream!
Ava's class earned an ice cream party
for their good behavior, they've been
working towards this for a long time.
Ava was SUPER EXCITED to go.
They had to do the party in stages to make sure each
kid got ice cream, the first shift today was at 9:30 in
the morning, that made me laugh. Ava's not getting
ice cream that early! I'm no fun, we came in at 3.
All the kids chatted about their love for ice cream
& we talked about everyone's favorite flavors.
Afterward I let her join her friends on stage.
They all love to put on shows.
I think their next field trip is going to
see a play, that will be so cool!!
I found this stage on Craigs List &
Valerie bought it for the school. I'm
so glad they have it, these kids have
a ton of fun playing on stage.
Ava always screams
I would correct her but I think it's
so darn cute.
It was really fun! I'm so happy she loves
school, although I really had no doubt,
saw that coming...