Around the House
Out on our walk we circle the block,
we go around & around. Sometimes Ava
chooses to run, sometimes she rides her
bike & others she asks to be pulled in the
wagon. Every time we pass the house she
rotates to the next thing. : )
Norah keeps a stool with her now, pulls
it up to drawers shes not allowed in & such
and announces "I reach! I tall! I color!!!"
We are in so much trouble.
I'm trying to explain wasting paper, recycling
& reusing after Ava wrote me 600 notes & drew
me another 1500 pictures today. This one is of
Auntie Jessica.
Fun day, in all the normal mundane ways.
These girls always keep me laughing
yet balancing on the edge of going
completely insane...and I truly love
every minute, even THOSE minutes.
: )