A Little Health Update
It's been a while since I've done an update on
where I am with my running.
The good news is I'm still doing it.
At first I had a fear of missing a day, balanced
with my other fear, injuring myself from pushing
myself too far.
That last part almost sounds funny to me since
I surround myself with people running half
marathons and even FULL marathons!!
I would NEVER EVER EVER do that!!
Mark my words!
I think it's great for those that are into it but
personally I have no desire.
I'm perfectly happy running 2-3 miles and
calling it good. If I'm really fast that day my
pace will fall in the 10 something minute range.
I think I will try a 10k next year, that seems
like a good goal. I actually could do a
half marathon if I was alternating between
walking & running, I can basically walk forever.
Anyhow, I'm not running every day anymore
but I am incorporating exercise into my day,
everyday. Usually running, but sometimes just
going for long walks. I look for opportunities
to add exercise in to our day as many times as
I can throughout the day. I love that.
I have also started feeding us all green-ish
smoothies every morning for breakfast.
This is great because Norah refuses to touch
vegetables at all, no matter how hard I try.
But slams down 16 ounces of her drink pretty
quickly. I keep it in the fridge & keep feeding
it to her until it's gone.
Here is a pretty typical one:
That part is ALL veggies.
Then I top it with some fruit to sweeten it up.
It consists of spinach, mixed greens, zucchini,
cabbage, carrots, strawberries, banana, mangoes,
pineapple, orange juice, yogurt & flax.
Sometimes I use other berries, just depends what
we have on hand. I try to make it at least 60% veggies.
I love that they love it. I no longer feel bad about
Norah getting enough veggies, I now just worry
she is never going to just eat them on her own.
The rest of us are a good example though,
so hopefully she will feed off that someday.
Don't let that face fool you, she LOVES it.
We, as a family, have always eaten pretty healthy
but I have been focusing on really upping the veggie
factor and reducing the amount of starches we eat.
We still eat them, just with a lot more moderation.
So overall things are going well. I feel much
healthier. I am supper happy that I have an actual
pull towards exercising, that we are eating even
better & I'm down 22 pounds, can't complain about that!
Curious about the green smoothie...nervous because anything green seems...eh. We do fruit smoothies every day, but I may have to try the veggie one, too.