On Saturday Tiffani invited Ava & I to go to
The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry.

I don't think I have been since I was a kid.
The place is pretty cool.

Colton loved this pump that would shoot water into
the air.
Ava thought that was pretty funny too.
There were all kinds of fun exhibits to look at.
They also had this cool toddler area which was perfect
for the kids. It had a sand area, water to play in and
a bunch of different things to climb on and experiment with.

After OMSI we headed home to a beautifully cleaned house
(Thank you John, I can't tell you enough how much that means
to me!! You rock!) and threw together a little dinner party.
We had Billy, three of her kids and Tiffani & Colton over.

That is 5 kids all together. It was fun watching all the kids play
and snuggling with baby Zech. Holding him reminded me how
much personality a little 3 month old actually has.

Jammie Time!
It was a very fun evening. But as everyone left
John and I looked at each other, smiled and said
"Yep, two kids should be plenty."


Kelly said…
How fun!
There's this place in Chattanooga called the Creative Discovery Museum... I went there all the time when I was a kid (well... maybe not ALL the time. You know how things you liked are exaggerated in your memory...)
I'm sure that the little ones had a blast, and learned something, too :)
I always love looking at your pictures.

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