Are 2 play dates better then 1?

First off I lost my mind on Tuesday and decided to make
salsa. I really had no choice, the counter was full of
tomatoes that were mocking me every time I walked by
them. I made salsa last year too and it was so delicious
that we ate it all super quickly. So why do I bother going
through the entire canning process??

I have no idea.
For some reason I didn't start my project until
about 8:30 at night and here is the real kicker, it took
me 7 hours to make it!!!! I have no idea why, it just did.
By the time 3:30 in the morning rolled around I had
reached a state of no longer caring, just wanting it done.
My taste buds were dead to me and I had no idea if the
salsa was going to be any good but in the cans it went.

The verdict?
I should just buy salsa.
Save my sanity.

Today we had a double play date extravaganza!

First more Katharina, Camden & Morgan
because really?
We can't get enough, we love that family!

They are so funny!
I was hoping the two play dates would over lap
a little because the mom's actually both know
each other from many years ago but that part
didn't really work out.

Next Ashlie, Ryan, Hannah & Jack came over.
Twins, it cracks me up that the boy's hair
is long & curly the girl's, not so much.
It always seems like the girls fight you with this stuff.
Ava was in a mood.
Ryan was trying to fix her. Good luck with that.
They figured out a way for the car to work for two!
They both were having some sharing issues.
See here is that moody thing again!
Maybe for once she was all play dated out?


Fickle Cattle said…
The salsa looks great in any case. :-) And a ton of kids = cuteness overload!

I am Fickle Cattle.

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