The Great Outdoors!

John and Ava took the new trike out on it's first outdoor spin (she has been riding around in the house since her birthday.) She looked so cute in her helmet which she wasn't super thrilled about wearing. She loves to put in on but not a big fan of keeping it on. Here she is in all her glory:

Ava has been begging to go outside when ever she gets the chance so I gave the outdoor toys a good cleaning and sent her out to play in the water tub, something we used to do in a swimsuit but now the rain coat seems like a pretty perfect solution.

This is her "say cheese" cheesy smile, eyes closed, perfect. Thanks for that Ava.

Here are few other shots of her, I am loving the hair!!

For one of our favorite indoor activities we headed over to get some play time with Colton:

I love this mid-air action shot!


guzzi guy said…
That boy is flying!

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