Lovely long weekend!
Valentines Day can be a little over the top sometimes, you know?
Just ask our local Dollar Tree, I've never seen so many balloons in one place in my life. The entire ceiling was covered! I couldn't get them all in this picture, crazy!
We tend to keep things simple around here, nice low expectations from the kids...
They are just as excited to come out and see this as they would be a huge basket full of stuff.
I made my mom these healthy ginger bread hearts. I love them too, so I may of eaten a few...
The girls enjoyed reading their cards and eating a few chocolates before breakfast.
They are so sweet!
We attended a little surprise party for my friend Heather, then we headed to the mountain to spend the weekend celebrating grandpa John's retirement & birthday.
We laughed when we arrived and found this. Apparently they had asked Jeff to open the cupboards so the pipes wouldn't freeze. Clearly he missed the memo that you only need to do the ones that have pipes. haha
Sadly my husband John got an email right after we arrived showing that he would be swamped with work and needed to go home as soon as possible. : (
The cousins had a wonderful time playing together, as always!
Grandpa John's eye was bugging him, thankfully Chris is in medical school so he knew just what to do, all he needed was a pizza cutter and a carving knife. : )
Ava got a ton of skiing in. She is doing so well!! She says, "Maybe I should try snowboarding, skiing is easy peasy."
I stayed home with Norie and just relaxed, it was wonderful.
Such a great weekend. I'm sad John couldn't stay longer, hopefully we can go again soon.
I will never get over how completely, overwhelmingly blessed we are to have such a lovely home to spend this great quality time with our family, it is truly awesome.