Mean Baby.

Ava, silly little Ava.
Norah thinks shes nuts & also the coolest person, EVER!
Quite the pair.
Poor little Noria has been sick for over a week now.
Consequently she decided to quit nursing, completely,
with no warning.
I tried everything, she was very sure of her decision.
Just in case I wasn't getting the memo she would
clamp down on my nipple as hard as she could just to be clear.
I am in some very serious pain.
Ibuprofen, ice packs & cabbage leaves in my bra, doesn't this
sound fun? I can't even hold my baby or let anything even
brush against my body.

But the worst part?
I'm really sad. I wanted to nurse her for at least a full year,
just like I did for Ava.

Norah acts like she never nursed at all, like I had imagined
the whole thing. It's the strangest thing.

Not fair, my last baby should let me have this one little thing.

At least she is cute.

The other consolation?
If I get really hungry I can just reach down my shirt...


Cadie said…
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Cadie said…
Those girls are just so adorable! Sorry about the breastfeeding. I was in a ton of pain after my milk came in for Arrayah. It helped to express a little just til I could breath again. Good luck! Hopefully the leaves help you, they didn't do much for me, although, I was too inconsistent with them since they felt so soggy and gross!
Thank you so much for the comment you made on my blog. That was so so sweet and kind. You overwhelm me with your thoughtfulness. And, I am just so happy to know you. Thank you.
aw, but she's so cute! You're making me nervous, though, because I intend to breast feed. And cabbage leaves? That's a new one for me...
filbert said…
That happened to me, too. Em just decided to stop nursing when she was just about nine months, and nothing could change her mind. I considered many insane options, especially befuddled by pain, but she was happy as a lark, and I decided she knew what she was doing. Hope you feel better soon!
Rachel said…
Ouch! That would be so painful! I am hoping to continue breastfeeding too. I am somewhat worried about my milk supply, I hope it keeps up.

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