Growing Up

This little girl is growing up, right before our eyes.
Don't blink.
Really, so is this one.
She used to BE Norah, now she is nearly FOUR.
Thank goodness she has a good mommy that fills
her little fingers with olives, that really is a must.
I left Ava to entertain Norah while I was cooking today,
here is what I found:
It might be hard to see in the photo but Norah's tray is
covered in "tea" so is Norah for that manner,
the girl is SOAKED, head to toe.
They make a pretty good pair.
Ava is so sweet, this morning she asks me
"Mom? How did Norah sleep last night?"
I told her Norah did pretty good, she had a bottle at
around midnight, woke up briefly at 3:30am but fell
back to sleep quickly and didn't get up until 9am.

Ava looked very pleased, she says
"Mom, she is a really good baby."

It kills me that she is so considerate to ask and
that she actually cares about the answer.

I just love her.

Norah's learning some new tricks.
She can now stand up for long periods of time
while holding on to something.

Little chick is strong!
She loves this new perspective on the world.
It is so fun watching these girls grow up.
Not "fun" every second but I tell you Ava has me laughing
at least 20 times a day, life doesn't get much better
then that.


Rhi said…
Norah is pulling up on things already?!? Where did the time go? Can't wait to see you girls next week!
Sarah said…
No, not pulling up, just able to hold herself up. She is pretty amazing if I do say so myself...:)

Can't wait to see you & your littles Rhi!!

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