Tomorrow is the big day.
Or that would be today, as you are reading this.
My little baby starts school today, sniff, sniff.
(These pictures are from Tuesday, we had a meeting with her teacher)
She is super excited and I suppose I've had plenty of time to mourn our freedom, and maybe even our Summer that has come to pass against my will.
But enough of that. SHE IS SOOOO EXCITED. And I am happy for her. If it takes 3 hours a day, 5 days a week to make her super stoked about growing up and all the things than I must give her that.
Love this girl, my baby, she's growing up.
I can't fight it so I might as well embrace it!
I hope she has the best day ever.
This picture made me laugh. Ava took my phone and that she wanted to take a picture of Norah in front of the sign too. I sat on the other side of the bushes on the bench and just listened to her *attempt* to get her shot, "Norah, turn around! Now Norah, you need to turn around. Norah I need you to turn around. NORAH TURN AROUND!! Smile!! Look at me, eyes on me! Look what I'm putting on top of my head!!"
This went on and on, and this was the best shot she got. I had to chuckle, I felt her pain. : )