The Best.

Last night I got to go have a drink with one of 
my favorite people, Rachel.

We've been friends since the forth grade, 
about 26ish years, but who's counting??
 We talked, and talked & talked, and could
of kept talking all night.

She has so much great insight on raising little
girls, hers are getting up there, and she keeps 
telling me all the things she wishes she knew
then, which is so very helpful.
 I love her more then words could say.  She holds
a such a big piece of my heart.  She always has & she 
always will.  We share so many memories.  It's funny to 
think back on it all.  So much time we spent completely 
inseparable.  Now we barely see each other, but you 
know what?  It doesn't even matter, our love never fades.

I love friendships like that, they are the best.


Unknown said…
Yes! This makes me very happy and I've always counted Rachel (or Rachelle) as one of my sisters! I've got a bone to pick with you!!
Love you!

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