Christmas Parties.

 Tis the season for lots of Christmas gatherings.

We had a busy day on Saturday, we started
with our annual get together with Matt, Rhi,
Erik & Tiffani.

 We had a great time with that and afterwards 
the girls took all the kids to a caroling party
at Aunt Linda's house and the guys headed 
to Erik's for a fry-everything party.

They even tried deep fried Nutter Butters.

That is not my kind of gathering.
I'm more of a wine & soup gal, so it worked out great!
 These girls dancing together, 
we just couldn't get enough!

 Norah takes after me, total camera addict.
 After some singing and caroling Norah
had some phone calls to make.

 I think it's for you Remy.

 Ava & Tyler had a turn.

Such a fun night, lets end this with one
more of the girls dancing together, why not?

Afterward, the girls & all the kids did a sleep 
over at my house, complete with 5 eventually 
sleeping kids and Spanish Coffees for the moms.  

It was super fun!  

Love my friends & family!  : )


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