Still Here....

I know I am not getting this vacation stuff out very quickly.
For some reason I am struggling with that.  It feels like
a lifetime ago already.
Ava loves the snow, even when it's nearly non-existent.
She desperately wanted me to drive her up to Bald Peak where Grandma gets real snow, I told her I don't drive in snow and she said "Put the chains on Mom!!"
Norah is jealous, she really wants to go out there.
Things have felt crazy this week.

Busy getting the household back together
and just getting back in the groove of things.

I cooked two new recipes, that was
pretty fun and inspiring, they both turned out great.

Ava told me she doesn't love me anymore, 
for the very first time.
Sadly, I'm sure it won't be the last.

My mind is spinning from several devastating things 
that are happening to my close friends. 

We are so blessed to have the love & security and health
that we do.  I hate to see people hurting around me.

Poor little Ava has been sick since Wednesday. 
She had her MMRV vaccine on Tuesday, not
sure if that was what did it or something else but
she has been laid up since and that always
throws things off too.  

I had grand plans to get out of the house
every day this week, I feel like we have fell off 
the social wagon.  The week before our trip I 
had sort of quarantined the household, trying not
to expose anyone to any illnesses before we 
left on vacation.  I fully intended to jump back 
in when we got home but it just hasn't happened.

I made an attempt at a playdate on Wednesday
and Ava just laid on the floor and asked to go
home.  That was my first clue that she was really
sick.  Ok, maybe my third clue but I thought 
she would snap out of it when presented with
fun options.  I had also planned a playdate 
on Thursday and Friday but ended up canceling 
both of those.  
She moved from the floor to a chair then asked to go home, so not Ava.
The little shorties were wishing they could play more.
Norah kept watching Max walk around, studying the possibilities : )
 We did get one fun thing in this week, we 
celebrated my Mom's birthday with a nice 
little dinner party.  That was really fun!
Happy Birthday Mom!!!
We love you!!!!

She takes after her mommy :)

A new box = hours of fun!

Next week will be better & I will attempt 
to post about the rest of our vacation soon.

I could use a little more sunshine in my life,
 even if it is just through pictures : )


Sorry to hear about the bad news about your friends. I hope you have a good weekend!

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