21 Questions to Ask Your Kid

I found this suggestion on Pinterest that you should ask your child these questions each year to see how their answers change, here is Ava's first go at it:

1.What is something Mommy always says to you?
 “Brush my teeth” 

2. What makes Mommy happy?
“Cleaning up the house”

3. What makes Mommy sad?
“That I don’t clean up the house”

4. How does Mommy make you laugh?
“By tickling me”

5. What was Mommy like as a child?
“Toys” (I think she thought I meant “what did mommy like as a child?”)

6. How old is Mommy?
“18” (nice)

7. How tall is Mommy?
“That tall!”

8. What is Mommy's favorite thing to do?

9. What does Mommy do when you're not around?
“Play with Norah”

10. If Mommy becomes famous, what will it be for?
“Telling people who you are”

11. What is Mommy really good at?
“Tell things”

12. What is Mommy not very good at?
She couldn’t come up with anything!

13. What does Mommy do for her job?

14. What is Mommy's favorite food?

15. What makes you proud of Mommy?
“You hugging me”

16. If Mommy were a cartoon character, who would she be?

17. What do you and Mommy do together?

18. How are you and Mommy the same?
“Your eyes are brown and mine are”

19. How are you and Mommy different?
“Our hair, yours is darker, mine is brighter”

20. How do you know Mommy loves you?
“Because you hug me and I hug Oreo too, because I love him”

21. Where is Mommy's favorite place to go?
“Red Robin” (um NO!)

It will be interesting to see how these answers change throughout the years.  I wonder what Norah has to say about all of this too : )


So you like to clean, eh? :-)

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