Little Sickies.

Both girls have been sick this week.

On Monday I set up a play date for Ava
and she didn't end up getting out of bed 
until 11:40, about 10 minutes before her 
friend arrived.  
She played for about a half hour then just 
stopped.  She wanted me to hold her, she 
wanted to lay down, it was so weird.  I 
grabbed the thermometer and took her 
temperature, it was totally normal.  
Now Norah doesn't like to be left out of 
these fun things like getting a thermometer
in your ear, so she insisted I take hers temp 
too, she was 102!!  So didn't see that coming.
 Ava developed a fever shortly there after and 
now they've both just been laying low.  They 
both also have a cough but no other symptoms..

 Funny thing is they have been totally 
happy & quite delightful for little sickies!
 I'm impressed!  Love these girls.

Please pray they get well soon though, we've got 
a big party for our almost 2 year old on 
Saturday & we don't want to have to celebrate
without them!   : )


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