Mug Shots

The girlies need passports, so yesterday I focused on
trying to take my own photos for that.
 Turns out it's trickier then it sounds.
Especially for a baby.
 I did end up with some really cute ones though : )
This is the winner:
 Ava was much easier of course.
When she wasn't being silly that is.
 We had some fun with it : )
 And the winner is:
After this I got into a fight with the Walgreens website 
which was not working yesterday and in the end gave
up and got the kids photos taken at Costco.

Ava's turned out pretty cute but I'm not in love with
Norah's.  This morning the website was back up so 
I had the one I took printed, I am hoping it ends up 
working with all the size requirements, it's really hard
to say without seeing it.

Either way, that is done, which is a relief.
Here's to hoping that this photo works,
I love it so much and I worked hard for this one!!
I love their little mugs : )


aw SO cute! Where are you guys going?

When I had to get my passport photo for Ireland, I went to Walgreens and took the photo to the post office who then told me that it wasn't done properly. Apparently they are super picky. (Imagine that!)

Those are cute little mugs :-)

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