Photo shoot, not really working.

My last little photo shoot went so well that I thought
I might as well try it again.

Notice Norah's skepticism.
She really couldn't let go of that look on her face,
"this is never going to work mom."
So in typical fashion we get Ava, over the top smiling
and Norah ultra serious.
Oh well what can you do?
If my little subjects weren't enough trouble
on their own, the camera battery kept dying.
I would run off, charge it for 45 seconds THEN they
would do something cute. I would race back with
the camera in hand and they would stop.
I sometimes wonder what she is thinking...
...watching her crazy mom run back & forth trying
desperately to make her smile.

I think she is smiling, or at least laughing AT ME,
on the inside...


Rhi said…
Themed outfits! Be still my heart!

P.S. at least you can find your camera....

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