I totally saw this coming...

I think I have mentioned to most people when discussing
the arrival of Norah before she got here that I would really
rather just have a 6 month old. Not saying I wanted to
deliver a baby that size, just saying I am not a big fan of
the tiny infant stage.

All they do is sleep, eat and cry. And when I say eat
please read: tear up my nipples 100 times a day.

Ava is so funny, as she sees me getting frustrated she says,
"Now Mom, you know babies cry all the time, that is just
what they do." And that does make me feel a little better.

So how are things going over here?

There is not a lot of sleep happening in the middle of the night.
Some nights are better then others but it seems that
Miss Norah likes to be awake in the middle of the night
And when I say awake please read: screaming her head off.
This tends to be not just frustrating but EXHAUSTING.

During the day I have come remember that you can not
expect to get a lot done. Babies are productivity killers.
I spend my day nursing and rocking the baby to sleep,
and then rocking her back to sleep after she takes the
world's shortest nap.

I have lowered my expectations of myself to right around
zero, then I am super impressed with myself if I
accomplish anything. Trust me, this is the best approach.

It all reminds me so much of little Ava.
And even though we went into this with our eyes wide
open, knowing it was going to suck a bit, we had a plan
this time. We wouldn't hold her so much, we wouldn't
let her sleep in our bed, blah, blah, blah.

None of that seems to be working out.

We have found ourselves in the same old patterns,
holding her all the time, rocking her to sleep, letting
her sleep in our bed. How did this happen??


Oh well. Norah is terribly sweet and cute when she is
sleeping or eating, which may be her saving grace.

The screaming her head off needs to stop.
But that too, we remember with Ava.
For some reason we just have grumpy babies.

But soon she will grow up a bit and be happy,
just like her big sister.

We will get through this.

I feel incredibly blessed to have this amazing little
person in our lives even though she is driving me
a little crazy. We still love the tiny little pants off her.

Just wish me luck on not losing my mind before we
get to that happy place. : )


Amy Kennedy said…
Congrats Sarah! Your daughter(s) are gorgeous! You'll get thru it, all of us mother's usually do! :)
Rhi said…
You can do it!!! And some day in the hopefully not to distant future maybe the pain of exhaustion will....what am I getting at? Useless nicey nicey stuff. Newborns are so cute, but by golly exhausting. Thank everything you can get your hands on that it won't last forever. And have a glass of wine, but I'm sure you've tried that :) Love you guys, and for the record you look awesome and rested in all your pictures!

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