The Trouble with Two...

Yesterday was a really tough day.
It seemed every two seconds Ava and I were butting
heads and she would cry or make me feel like crying.
Today has to be better.

Otherwise, I will go insane.

I don't know how we got here, where everything is
dramatic, she is only two, it seems too early.
But here we are, in the thick of it.

In two words? Power Struggle.
Everyone wants to win. I think we are supposed to
win, as the parents, but I also think she is supposed to
have some illusion of choices that make her feel in
control of her little life.

I think we may be far too hard on her.
Although the next minute I feel like she is the queen
of manipulation and how are we letting her get away
with that?

Ava has been regressing big time with the potty training.
She was pretty much totally there before she got sick a bit ago.
Now she is having accidents almost daily. I have this feeling
she does it on purpose, last night in fact she told us she was
happy she peed on her carpet in her room. That was a tough
one to swallow because we were about the furthest from
happy you can get. Why is she happy??
What do you say to that?
We don't handle potty accidents all nice and that's ok like
you hear you are suppose to. We tell Ava we are really
disappointed and that she needs to try harder next time to
get to the potty, that we know she can do it, that it is
REALLY gross to pee on carpets. Or couches, or where
ever the spot may be.

Last night in fact I told her that
we really didn't want her peeing on our carpet at all & if
she was happy about it maybe we shouldn't let her stay
in that room (her bedroom) because we don't want her
ruining OUR carpet. She retorted back with "But it is MY
bedroom!" I said No, Mommy and Daddy own this house,
we let you stay in that room, maybe we should keep you out
here in a room with hardwood floors so if you pee it is easier
to clean up, if it makes you happy to pee on carpets.

I know, sounds a little harsh. But really you have to
out-logic this child or you get NO WHERE fast.

I have been reminding Ava to go & pretty much making her
go on a schedule since we started all this potty training business.
She doesn't seem to do well if you just let her manage it herself.
If you ask her if she needs to go, she ALWAYS says no.
So do you keep reminding/making her go or let her keep
having accidents to help her learn? It is a tough one.

Other things that made Ava cry for almost no reason yesterday?
Pushing buttons on the microwave that made it turn on.
Me yelling Be careful! when she almost fell off the couch, twice.
Her messing with my SD card and me reminding her she is not
allowed to touch it. Me asking her to please go & try to go potty.
Not wanting to clean up her bath toys.
Telling her she can't have juice today, only milk or water.

The list could go on and on.

It really is every little thing.

She will be in my lap telling me how much she loves me, then
something doesn't go her way and she runs from the room
crying and slams her door, hard. She sits in there wailing for a bit,
then comes back out, says she is really sorry, we cuddle, we say
how much we love each other and how she is going to try harder...

This is an emotional roller coaster that I really want off of.

One of the things I can attribute it to is that Ava seems to
need constant stimulus. If we are ignoring her she gets way
more naughty. She is almost perfect when we are out and
about. She hates the days were we just stay at home and
hang out around the house. Or talk on the phone, or use
the computer, anything that takes our attention away from her.

Yesterday I needed to do 5 loads of laundry, which requires staying
at home. Today we will be leaving. Right when she wakes up.
So I know today will be better.

But yesterday? Yesterday was too much.
Any advice on how to make my 90% awesome happy
child into a more stable individual that isn't losing her mind
and trying to take everyone else down with her??

Give it to me strait, I can take it.


Rhi said…
Two is amazing. Amazed by cuteness, smartness, funiness. Amazed by naughtiness and fits over nothing. I hear you and wish I had a miracle cure. I feel like Ty is at a stand still with potty training. He mostly says he doesn't want to go and throws little fits, and im worried I pushed him too soon. I have two ideas. One, we both have smart kids. Since Ty heard a baby is coming he has started telling me he is a baby and wanting to be rocked like one. I didn't think regression would happen until the sibling was actually born, maybe Ty and Ava are getting a jump start??? Two, are there anymore scheduled activities like her swimming you can get Ava into?
Sarah said…
I think maybe since they are so smart that we start having slightly too high expectations for them. I think I have to remember that she is only two. She might speak & act five sometimes but that doesn't make her five. You are right about activities, she needs more. I just hate to get over committed with things. I think my next step is to let her have accidents & learn from them rather than managing her every minute. Very hard for a control freak! Ava also wants to act like a baby all the time.
Rhi said…
I agree that our expectations are a bit to high sometimes. Their little fits remind that really, they are still very young. I also try to give Tyler some choices. It doesn't usually work to my advantage, if it has anything to do with potty, pull ups, undies or the like. Now if I give him two choices on food, no problem!

What about activities that don't require financial or consistent commitment like story times, or if you guys have any rec center that do play times like Newport. Ava is a lot like you, she really needs people. And it is way to exhausting to manage every minute. She's a good girl, I don't think she will be totally broken if she pees her pants a few (or many) times, it just might drive you a little crazy.
Sarah said…
I am considering re-introducing M&M's but this time doing it as a reward for her doing it all on her own without me reminding her, it is worth a try :)

She just HATES us trying to manage her in regards to the potty -- oh wait & EVERYTHING ELSE!! haha

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