Bayli, come back!!
Bayli was here!!
Don't blink though because she left before we knew it...
Don't blink though because she left before we knew it...
so she had to go back home.
Ava knows a little something about getting in trouble.
First she was grounded from watching movies for 2 days (she had a potty accident on the couch while watching a movie and didn't ever tell us!!) Then she got grounded from going to Out of This World because she threw a fit leaving that place, I am trying to teach her that she needs to not cry as we leave fun places. This grounding won't be too long but I will just act like I was thinking of taking her there but can't for a few days. Lastly she is grounded from juice because she threw the biggest tantrum EVER over wanting juice when I offered her water. That one will last a bit longer. She doesn't need juice.
Do I sound like a mean mommy??