Our Girl...
After many funny antidotes about things Ava does and says Linda was encouraging me to take videos of all the crazy things that Ava comes up with. I'm not sure that is at all possible considering the fact that there are far too many moments to capture, but I suppose I could do a better job of writing them down here.
So Ava who are you at the young age of two, quickly approaching three???
Your personality is exuberant! You charm the pants off of anyone you come across. When people come over you have wonderful hostess qualities, you thank them for coming, tell them you really missed them & that you love them so much. When they are leaving you thank them for coming over and say things like "But I will miss you!" You also tell people to drive careful and come back real soon, okay? When your Dad or I leave to go to work you have always taken the time to stop whatever you are doing and walk us out. If we start to sneak off for some reason or another you will say "WAIT!! I NEED TO WALK YOU OUT!" you then inventory what we are bring with us, does Daddy have his water? Does Mommy have her phone? You are just so thoughtful. Last night you actually woke up screaming in the middle of the night from a nightmare. I went in to calm you down and you just kept screaming "But I wanted to walk you out!!" Pretty funny if you ask me.
You must do everything yourself. There is nothing that will bring on tears quicker then trying to help you do something that you have in your head you are perfectly capable of doing. This might mean everything takes MUCH longer but I have learned that I just must be really patient and everyone is happier in the end.
You can feed the dog all by yourself now, not to say Lily doesn't occasionally run you over during these efforts but you still enjoy doing it for some reason or another. You like to load and unload the dishwasher and get as involved as I let you. You think switching the laundry is fun and always want to help. While I was folding clothes the other day I had a big stack I had just finished up and you came over looking quite mischievous and pushed the whole thing over, all while laughing! This didn't go over well with me, I yelled at you and you stomped off returning to tell me how much I hurt your feelings. I promised not to hurt your feelings if you promise not to push my laundry piles over anymore, it's a deal okay? You like to dress yourself, but you still let me pick out your clothes. I will be so sad when that phase ends. You make disastrous messes all over the house and try to clean them up, this could use a little work but you are cute the way you try to help. You are still using the highchair, which is good because you are still the messiest eater I know.
You love to play play-dough and draw pictures. Cutting up paper is one of you new fun things to do. Stacking Legos is another favorite. You really want to go do something at every moment, see friends, run errands, what ever I can come up with to get you out of the house. You have turned into the little expert swimmer diving for toys in deep water and gaining confidence more and more each week.
The other night John and I went to check on you, as we always do while you sleep. We stood over you admiring you for your sweet little self. You had taken off your jammies (again!) despite how cold it was and you were falling off the bed, we moved you and tucked you back in. You opened your eyes briefly and gave us the most happy, content smile I have ever seen.
Sweet little Ava please know that you bring your father and I such joy,
we love you!!