The Party.

We had a truly wonderful party for little Miss Norah.
Wonderful friends and family together to celebrate
our sweet growing girl.  It has been a fabulous year
and all these people helped make it that much better.

Auntie : )
I even concord my fear of fondant.
Love this family.
Miss Alayah will be next...a few more months : )
The proud big sister.
Trevor & Billy, love, love, love them.
Katharina & Morgan, love them too : )
My baby.
My first baby.
Give it to me!  I need that!!
I adore this photo, she is so precious.
Sharing with Dad.
I think I should of made it messier, this was the cleanest
one year old EVER.
So cute.
Ready for presents
These were her favorite : )
Birthdays can be a little overwhelming, but she did great!
My little baby, you are so very loved.
Happy Birthday!


aw, happy birthday, Norah! I love her party dress!