Bath Time

 This child keeps us laughing, all through the day.
 She loves to brush her teeth, although sometimes she 
brushes her hair with her toothbrush, depends on her mood.
 I'm thinking with a little gel she could totally pull off 
this look for her party.
 Pretty cute, right?
 She loves to turn the faucet on and off which can be
quite disastrous depending on if the faucet is actually 
still over the sink, she seems to think it's extra funny
if it's going all over the counter : )
One more day and my littlest joy will be ONE!!  
I finished her picture slide show, John's working on 
the music.  I can't say I've been able to watch it yet
without crying.  

I feel overwhelmed with love for her, with how blessed
I feel to have her and a little sad that she is growing up
so fast.  : (
