Growing Up
This little girl is growing up, right before our eyes.
Don't blink.
Don't blink.
her little fingers with olives, that really is a must.
covered in "tea" so is Norah for that manner,
the girl is SOAKED, head to toe.
"Mom? How did Norah sleep last night?"
I told her Norah did pretty good, she had a bottle at
around midnight, woke up briefly at 3:30am but fell
back to sleep quickly and didn't get up until 9am.
Ava looked very pleased, she says
"Mom, she is a really good baby."
It kills me that she is so considerate to ask and
that she actually cares about the answer.
I just love her.
Norah's learning some new tricks.
She can now stand up for long periods of time
while holding on to something.
at least 20 times a day, life doesn't get much better
then that.
Can't wait to see you & your littles Rhi!!