Fun with friends!

Yesterday we went to visit one of our favorite families.

Here is Morgan, could she be cuter?
The kids have an amazing backyard filled with
everything a kid could want.
Slides, swings, sandboxes,water, room to run...
Morgan's mommy is a little paranoid and she
doesn't want Morgan to have too much fun
so she make her wear this helmet.
I am sure the child will have no issues.
I tried to get Ava to pose for me.
She never really cooperates.
Three kids is NO easier I assure you.
Oh good, there IS a reason for her to wear that helmet!
Having snacks.
Turns on the slide.
Time to swing...and giggle.
But really is there true fun until we get DIRTY??
I think not.


aw, man...this makes me miss being a kid...oh to be so carefree...
Sarah said…
That is the fabulous thing about having kids, you get to relive it all through their eyes, in a way its even better then the first time around! I can't wait for you to see what I mean...
Rhi said…
there is an actual measurable difference in happiness on their faces in the dirty picture. remar.kable

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