From the beach.

Here are a few moments of our day: My sweet girls giving birthday love to auntie. They made a cute little video where Ava is singing Happy Birthday and Norah keeps saying "Happy!" It's pretty funny. We all love auntie Jessica so much!! Sandcastles with Grandma Downward Dog, Norah's signature move. I have dozens of photos of her doing this everywhere we go. : ) We came upon this amazing sandcastle someone else built, we stopped and played there awhile. Funny thing was this guy walks by and Ava says "I built this whole thing, all by myself" Really Ava?? She laughed and followed it with a "just kidding". She cracks me up. Ava begged to fly a kite today. This entertained her FOREVER. She LOVED it. Norah couldn't help notice how much fun Ava was having. She...